
Sunday, February 12, 2012

20 cent Laundry Soap via Urban Farming Guys

So simple, so cheap! Why are we all not doing this?
Also be sure to read more of the awesomeness that is the Urban Farming Guys.


  1. I think this is a really good idea if you're willing to put the time and effort into making your own soap. However, I think it's a bit of a misnomer to say that you can make all of that soap for only $2. Those ingredients are more than $2. Granted, it definitely stretches those ingredients for a small initial investment, but that bar of soap alone is probably about $2.

  2. Agreed, this soap costs me more than 20 cents to make. The bar of soap cost $1 but if I make a 5 gallon batch, I only use half the bar. Plus the borax and washing soda is about 4 bucks a box ( but I can get about 8 batches of soap out of those). So I would say that a 5 gallon batch of laundry soap that will last me about 6 to 8 months will only cost me $1.50. I was paying $12.99 on soap that would last me maybe 2 to 4 months.

  3. So now that I've re-read my comment and did the math, I actually made this soap for less than 10 cents per gallon. The video states it would cost 20 cents per gallon to make, not 20 cents per batch (duh on my part).
