
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Make bread, save money

I made really good bread today, the kind that flakes and browns at the top and all you want to do is cut into it and eat the whole loaf. There is just something so rewarding about baking your own bread, plus it is really easy and cheap to make. I used this no-knead recipe and it worked out oh so nicely.

I was inspired to bake bread today because I am so tired of spending money eating out. Whenever I look at my bank statement, I am always shocked how much money we spend on going out to eat. I know I'm supposed to be one of those people who makes home cooked dinners with fresh ingredients every day of the week, but I am ashamed to say that is not the case. No, we are not eating McDonald's and to my defense we do opt for healthier dining choices, but it's not the satisfactory home cooked meal.

And let's just face it, eating out is expensive! Ten bucks here, fourteen bucks there, it all adds up. I hate to see how much we spend eating abroad and then think about how much we could have saved during the week and how much better quality food we could have been consuming if I would have just cooked some damn meals! Not to say we are never going to eat out again. Jake and I enjoy our lunches at our local coffee joint way to much to give it all up and we like to dine with friends time to time. But I need to say no to myself when I'm tired and I don't want to cook anything and all I want is the convenience of prepared food. I need to arm myself with easy to prepare meals during those times. And it really is all about preparation.

So my two loaves of freshly baked bread should get me through. I can serve it with a nice bowl of soup (hello easy, satisfying meal!!!) and make sandwiches for lunch or dinner (it's really good with chicken salad), or just eat it plain. I also cannot wait to join a CSA. Then we will have to cook so that we do not waste any of the amazing meat and veggies we will be getting.

So now one loaf is in the fridge (I think it keeps longer that way) and the other in the freezer. If one loaf can last me a week, then I will only have to bake bread every two weeks, I think I can handle that.

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