
Friday, May 4, 2012

It needed to be done

I couldn't stand to watch that little chick try and crawl his way around the box.  I knew he would never be able to walk at all. Sorry little guy...

I want to at least let you all know up front that it was quick and bloodless.  The method I used has been approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association for home euthanasia.

 If we are serious on wanting a homestead, death is going to be part of it.  Meat comes from animals that give their lives to sustain our own whether they are raised in your backyard or wild beyond your fences.  Sick animals that are beyond our care need to be put down.   The decision has to be made between the well being of the animal and the good of the farm.  It sucks when death comes unexpected but it does and it needs to be taken in stride.  The whole homestead can't shut down because of it.  The others that depend on us to be fed, and watered need to be regardless of what is happening around them.  Good or bad.

It will be different when the others grow up and are ready for the freezer in late fall.  They will have a great time roaming around, scratching up the ground and chasing insects.  It is a small comfort and makes the process a little easier in the end.

They will get to enjoy life a while.  That little guy won't have that chance.

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