
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Making Our Own Deodorant Bars

I don't think we will ever have to buy deodorant again! Not to say we are never using deodorant again (that would be gross). Thanks to Wellness Mama, we are now making our own deodorant and saving our health and money doing so.

Today, most deodorants contain aluminum, which helps control odor and wetness but also contributes to a number of health issues such as Alzheimer's Disease. We tried a few non-aluminum brands and some worked but not as well as our traditional deodorants. So with some research, I found an amazing recipe that I can make at home on the cheap and it really works. I actually think I sweat less now that I use this stuff so I am claiming it works even better than the deodorants that contain aluminum. Who knew arrowroot powder and baking soda were the answers to our sweaty problems?

Don't dis it till ya try it, son! The best part is I can let the "bars" set in the cupcake tin and store them in the pantry until I need more. Then I can use the bar as is or pack it into my empty deodorant tube. Packing it into an empty tube allows for better application. It works, it's cheap and it is better for our health. Man, I love making things I can use!

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