
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I've been so busy being a daddy that I almost forgot to start my seeds for the garden!  There was more prep work that last year because I was going to use the finished product from the worm bin to start them.  I found that the vermicompost was very wet and I had a rough go at sifting it.  I used an old window screen which punched holes in it.  It took damn near 3 hours to get a half a 5 gallon bucket full.  I am thinking that the stuff was just way too wet, but the worms were loving it.  I literally could squeeze the water out of the stuff.

So into the flats the worm casting went.  This year we are planning on having three different types of tomato ( cherry, beef and past).  I have been finding that mixing up the tomatoes so not two of the same kind are next to each other keeps the pests and blight to a minimum.  Also started was kohlrabi, cabbage, bell peppers, and summer squash.  Sure does feel good to get some dirt under the fingernails.  Middle of May cannot come soon enough!

UPDATE:  three days later I get my first germinating seeds!  This is the same flat as above on day 4:

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