
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wannabe Handmade

I am going to go on a rant.

I really hate seeing all this "looks like it's handmade" or "antique/vintage looking" stuff at big box stores. I feel like these corporations are ripping off designs from independent designers and artisans. There have been countless times I have been in Target (yup, that's right Target, I am calling you out) and have seen an item on their shelves that I saw on Etsy months ago. This would not be a problem if it actually came from the same artist selling it on Etsy, but no, it is a mass produced forgery. Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie are other culprits.

But I honestly cannot just blame the companies who carry Wannabe Handmades. There is clearly a market for these items. But if you are looking for handmade, then you should buy handmade. Check out Etsy or better yet, a local craft fair or festival. Support those who made these items cool in the first place and purchase a quality item, not some cookie cutter piece of crap. This also goes for antique looking items. Instead of some crappy reproduction, go to an antique store or a flea market. You will probably pay the same price or even less for the real thing.

Thank you for reading.

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