
Monday, August 22, 2011

Jenna, this is all your fault

The Simplestead couple are big fans of Jenna Woginrich of Cold Antler Farm, so much that we can wholeheartedly list her as number one on our culprits list of why we are in our current state of mind. Jenna truly inspires us to be homesteaders. Who knew a Graphic Designer could know so much about beekeeping, chicken raising, gardening and even horse carting?

Jenna's first book, Made from Scratch outlines her trials and tribulations of starting her own homestead. Once you read the book, you'll crave more. Lucky for us, Jenna has her blog that documents her ever evolving homestead, complete with a herding dog in-training, rabbits, sheep and a never ending supply of good stories. The book and blog have single-handily catapulted us into hoe-loving localvores who are now armed with a community garden, a compost bin and a plan to one day own our own homestead. If anyone asks, just blame Jenna.

Be sure to check out the Cold Antler Farm blog and watch for Jenna's new book Barnheart in December 2011 (yeah, we already got a signed pre-ordered copy reserved for ourselves).


  1. Why don't you drive or fly over for the big fall festival in October? It's going to be like a homestead-dreamers Woodstock

  2. We would very much like to make it to the festival, but we are working toward financial freedom first. We hope you have this next year and if so, we will definitely be there.

    Keep up the good work at Cold Antler!
