
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

3,024 things to do over the next 18 days

56 eggs, turned three times a day for 18 days for a grand total of 3,024 egg turns.  112 are down so far.

These eggs are from my father's flock.  This is the first time he is supplying his own eggs.  We shall see if his good-for-nothing rooster can dodge a trip to the stew pot if most of these are fertilized.  There are always a few eggs not fertilized and that is why the incubator is more crowded than it should be.  Some of the eggs are also a bit older than I'd like (around 6 days) but they should still be viable.  The variety of egg age, size and breed are what I love about hatching these guys.  So many variables!

We did this last year and it was one of the highlights of 2011 so we figured on doing it again.  It is a big commitment but the payoff is even greater.

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