
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Grow List

As we continue to make everyday changes, I have comprised a list of things I would like to implement by the end of next month. I feel these pursuits will challenge us to rely less on commercially produced items and save us money while instilling our values of living a slow life.

Start a kitchen container garden so that lettuce, tomatoes and herbs are within arms reach. One less item I have to buy at the grocery store.

Pre-plan more dinners using fresh ingredients. Natural Health at Home has a Gluten Free Meal Plan that I would love to try.

Buy locally made soap.

Use the dryer 50% less. I figure now that the weather is getting warmer, I can dry clothes out on the rack outside, or I can get my husband to rig me up a clothesline.

Make my own dish soap and handsoap and store in mason jars with these nifty mason jar pump lids.

Make my own face oil.

Find a local source for grass-fed beef and pork.

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