
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sheared and Feared

I'm so glad I am finally getting around to writing this post. I have been busy working at the best company in the world so I let time escape me.

Anyways, I sheared the Angoras last weekend. Their hair was starting to mat so I figured it was time for the dreaded "shave and a haircut". I think I was dreading it more than the rabbits were, one being that the girls had no idea it was coming, and secondly, I was terrified I was going to cut too close or one would jolt and my scissors would meet their skin. It took me two sittings to do both rabbits, but thankfully I took my time and no blood was spilled.

Now I have a few ounces of fiber to felt and spin. I scored a sweet deal on an antique spinning wheel a few weeks back. The thing is in great condition, all I need is a drive band and a crash course. I am attending the Waukesha Spin In on Saturday and hope I can get schooled then.

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