
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

21 Days Later

Credit:  Judy Butler at
There has only been one thing that had me losing sleep last night and losing my focus at work today.  It is not the state of the economy, it is not the seemingly unending election cycle, not earthquakes, tornadoes or climate change.  It is the 54 ovoids sitting in the kitchen cooking under a humid 99.5 °F - 100.5 °F in the kitchen.  Day 21 of incubating eggs is most likely the most nervous you will see me in any given year.  Three days ago I stopped turning the eggs, gave a random sampling a good candling to make sure each chick was still growing and closed the lid.  It was now all up to the little guys.  I feel such a connection to them and a great responsibility for their success or failure to hatch.  Each morning, when I woke up, each afternoon I came home from work and right before I went to bed each egg was carefully turned.  It is a great commitment to have in my opinion.  

I began this endeavor on April 9th in the evening and so yesterday, I feel myself getting anxious, impatient and unfocused.  Last year, the hatching began a day early (a sign of too high a temperature), and lasted three days.  Even though the rule of thumb is 21 days, chicks can hatch as late as 25 days.   So when I got home from work yesterday and looked inside the incubator and saw nothing happening, my anxiety went into high gear.  I know there is nothing I can really do at this point the feeling of a complete failure began to hang heavy on me.  Last night was not a restful sleep and many cups of coffee were in order this morning.  The anxiety level slowly rose throughout the day. 

This evening marks the end of the 21st day and I am glad to say, the peeping has begun!  A few of the eggs have been pipped with some others rocking around, as anxious to get out as I am for them.  I feel a great deal of satisfaction.  I am sure the hatching will last until Thursday.  Many pictures of the fuzz balls to follow!

Drawing credit to Judy Butler at Down the Natural Trail

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