
Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekly Dig

Take two of the Weekly Dig! The season is winding down, the temps are getting cooler, our schedules are starting to free up again. Jake and I are actually looking forward to Autumn. It is s time to slow down and enjoy the harvest!

We often joke about when we have kids that they will be "free range babies". However there is some truth to that. Lucky for us this blog is a great resource on tips and issues for raising your kids.

We've been craving pie around here. I want to get my hands on Ashley English's book A Year of Pies so I can have pie on hand and make my house smell delicious.

Will Allen continues to be one of Jake's heroes.  Bringing food to food deserts is his newest endeavor.

Did you know that the nutrition in vegetables is a large part due to the soil it is grown in?  And now because of soil depletion our vegetables are losing that.

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